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Brave Adventurers of the Month!

Good night good people and all the brave adventurers!

Today is the last day of September, 30. Maybe I should write about G30SPKI (such an Indonesian Communist Party Movement). So many thought about it and they just want to escape from my head.

But, even the explosion of your mind can produce a writing, I don’t want to write without revision, fact and opinion from the expert- cahyanidwy

It will need time about 2 hours. But now, I just have 5 minutes to look at my blog, because I still have many task from psychiatric department like journal reading, PBL, miniCex, study for examination, night shift and so on (please don’t ask or I will get more stressed)

Okay, to make it fast, let me introduce the brave adventurers of this month! *drumroll*

1. Indah Susanti at

This is traveler’s blog. If you need such referents before traveling or want to know about what are there in another country, just check this blog out! You will find so many awesome pictures from another country. 😀 I am sure you wont regret to visit this blog.:D You will feel like you are travelling the world with her.

2. dr. Nusa Purnawan Putra at

This is a blog which basically deliver health information but sometimes you will find politic and religion issues. If you have some problems about your health, maybe you can have a visit to his blog and maybe get consultation for free.. *actually, I can’t guarantee whether the consultation can be free or not, but at least you will know about your health*. Oneday I hope I can be a good doctor like him.

3. Oktarinadw at

This is random post blog. Talking about daily life and many others. I think i find someone’s blog who look similarly with mine. Random blog post.:D *feeling connected* Have a visit to this blog, she is friendly and lovely.:D

4. Optimistickid at

So, are you a pessimistic one? Stop it! Visit this blog and you will be motivated! 😀

5. Hopekenyon at

Do you love poem? If you love to read poem, you have to visit her blog! I am a poem lover and get touch to read all of her poetry.


this is maybe a personal blog, but the thoughts, the process of thought!

7. sayhun12  at

she gave me liebster award, and thanks for it 🙂 She write poet also and nice poet 🙂


new friend in wordpress, I hope i can read another story 🙂


new friend in wordpress also, and this blog kinda a soccer lover. 😀 I hope he will tell about Liverpool too.

Why I call them the brave adventurers? Because life itself is adventure. It simple like that.

Thanks for following me, thank you for being part of my life, my blog. May God bless you all.

*Nb: sorry for bad grammar*

See Ya!


There is an Overgrowth Tissue in Your Eye

Good afternoon Good People and all the Brave Adventurer, finally I can complete “to write list” for September. Yay! Even more, I write more than the list. So here we go, we will talk about one of eye’s problems.

Maybe you will start to be worry when you see there is (or there are) a tissue that growth in your eye. center flow hand towel tissue

No, no. Not that tissue I mean, but


It is known as surfer’s eye. (No, those picture is not taken from a surfer, seriously). In medical term, it is a PTERYGIUM.

What is Pterygium?

Pterygium is a conjunctival tissue that growth heading to limbus and cornea. It is non-cancerous so you don’t have to worry or panic or thinking that you have an eye tumour (altough, limbus tumour may look similar with pterygium). Pterygium covers the sclera (the white part of the eye), it contains blood vessels and slightly rise.

A medical student will said it a fibrovascular tissue raised from conjungtiva extends to limbus and cornea. Anyway, pterygium has grading.

  1. Pterygium limited in limbal cornea.
  2. Pterygium extends passed the limbus to cornea but not more than 2 mm
  3. Pterygium extends more than 2 mm from limbus but not passed the pupil edge.
  4. Pterygium extend to Pupil and affect your vision.

What can cause Pterygium?

Actually, until now the exact cause of pterygium is still unknown. There are some risk factors that can precipitate pterygium, they are are exposure to ultraviolet radiation (specifically UV-B radiation), dust, wind, and sand. Pterygium is common found in people who work outdoors.

What the symptom of Pterygium?

Sometimes it has no symptom (painless) but sometimes it can cause burning sensation, irritation and foreign-body like in your eye.

How to treat It?

Treating pterygium can be medically or surgically. Usually, treatment is usually not needed unless it get infalmed. Medication that can be used are artificial tear and mild steroid.

  • Artificial tears keeps the eyes moist and may prevent a pterygium from becoming inflamed.
  • Mild steroid eye drop can be used to calm inflammation.

Surgery can be the option to treat the pterygium when the pterygium induce astigmatism, severe irritation, involve the visual axis and for cosmetic reason. Pterygium grade 3 or 4 usually is the indication for surgery. There are many surgical techniques for removing pterygium which are the bare sclera technique, a conjunctival autograft technique and amniotic membrane grafting.

Pterygium is recurrence, so even if it removed it can growth again. By wearing sunglasses it may prevent pterygium.

*PS: sorry for bad grammar. This is maybe not like the article of a medical student, (oh no), but please let me write in my way*

Thank you for visiting Good People.

For more information, you can read my reference:

Ref of Medical Theory :

Farjo QA, Sugar A. Pterygium and conjunctival degenerations. In: Yanoff M, Duker JS, eds. Ophthalmology. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier; 2008:chap 4.9. access at:

Naidu SS, Ocampo-Goldberg AC. Corneal Topography. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, eds. Foundations of Clinical Ophthalmology. 2012 ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012:vol 2; chap 112.access at:

Posted in To think

Are We Heading Back to Non-Democracy Time?


Good morning good people. I just watched TV and get shocked, the news reported that RUU Pilkada finally vetted.

A little bit sad to know this. It is like that our country step backward for the country’s pledging democracy. Ok, I am not a Law Faculty student. I’m also not a politician. But, as an Indonesian who affected by those act I would like to share my opinion about it.

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Direct election has given us the right to choose our leader directly, our president now and our mayor or governor are the product of direct election. Those make us feel that we have responsibility to our nation by using our voice. I have searched the reasons why the parliament scrapped direct election. They said that “direct local elections had proven too costly, and were prone to conflict and corruption.”

So it is means, that by scrapping the direct local election, we can save our nation from too much expenditure, conflict and corruption. Anyway, will it be real?

“It won’t change the nature of politics, it won’t make politics any cleaner. It will only shift the money politics somewhere else, to the oligarchs, and the victims are the Indonesian people,” – Sarwono Kusumaatmadja.

There are many opinion comes from the experts and also many other Indonesian because of this decision. Most of them give their criticism via social media. It is also sadness for us when I saw that government seems like not in our side. Weren’t they there because of direct election?

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?” 

Mahatma Gandhi

And, maybe. This is politic that we used to know in our country.. I just hope, that everything that have decided by our government will truely make the better for my country and all the people inside.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.Mao Zedong

Hope for the better future Indonesia Raya…

Posted in LA LA LA THINGS, To think

Living Vegetarian

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.”
Paul McCartney


Ok, honestly, I want to put the “inside slaughterhouse” video from YouTube. But it is too scary to be watched, so just listening this cool sound of JM.

One fact about me is I have not had eat meat and fish since I was 14 years old. It has been 9 years because now I am 23 years old and still do so. Some says, my life style now called “vegetarianism”. I try to search in Google, what exactly the meaning of vegetarian. Vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products for moral, religious, or health reasons. According to The American Dietetic Association (ADA), there are any types of vegetarians. They are :

  1. Vegans or total vegetarians. This type exclude all animal products like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, and sometimes honey.
  2. Lactovegetarians. They exclude meat, poultry, fish, and eggs but still include dairy products in their diet.
  3. Lacto-ovovegetarians. This type exclude meat, poultry, and fish but include dairy products and eggs.

So, maybe I can say that I’m a lacto-ovovegetarian. 🙂

My friends often ask me, why do you become vegetarian? Some people become vegetarian for many reasons such as for body health, environtmental concern, or moral reason like nonviolence, compassion or maybe for spiritual reason. And me, all I can say, I just following my heart.

“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.”
Thomas A. Edison

When I was a child, I eat meat just like the other children. I had eaten meat regularly but then suddenly, I felt sorrowful whenever I had meat or fish in my dish. I felt that I couldn’t eat and I thought that I had to stop eating them.  Then, as you see now, I don’t eat meat or fish.

“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”
Leonardo da Vinci

My friends sometimes warn me that I would have nutrition deficiency for becoming vegetarian. Ok. as a medical student, I have learn about nutrition. The text book says that our demand of protein mostly derived from meat, fish, egg and another animal product. But don’t forget that we can get protein from another natural resources that is plant-based like grains, lentils, beans, tofu, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, tempeh and peas. (Oh, I love tempeh and tahu very much)

About mineral like calcium can be found in many plant foods with dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, mustard, collard and turnip greens, and bok choy-this is the first time i hear it-, broccoli, beans, dried figs, and sunflower seeds, as well as in calcium-fortified cereals, cereal bars and some fortified juices.

The other mineral that important to our body is Iron. To fulfill our demand, we can consume iron-fortified breads, cereals, vegetables that has dark green color like spinach and broccoli, dried fruits, prune juice, black strap molasses, pumpkin seeds, and soybean nuts. Don’t forget to consume vitamin C (you can find in citrus fruits, tomatoes, and green peppers). Vitamin C helps your body to absorb iron.

Vitamin B-12. This is kind of vitamin usually be the things that my friends worry for me. Well, it  is produced in animals and by bacteria in the soil. Dairy products and eggs has B-12. Since I still drink milk, I know I still get enough B-12.

Then we should know that the key to any healthy diet is to choose a wide variety of foods, and to consume enough calories to meet our energy needs.

” it is not necessary to combine specific foods within a meal in order to “complete” the amino acids profile of the proteins found in plant foods. Eating a wide variety of foods and enough calories during the day will fulfill our protein needs.” – ADA

So, what the benefits that I get from becoming Vegetarian?

“It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.”
Albert Einstein

Many research found that consuming a meat-based diet consisting of highly processed foods with fats and artificial ingredients will increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. By eating a healthy low-fat diet and high fiber such as a healthy vegetarian diet consisting of organic product and natural foods can reduce the risk of those disease.

“By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian will make a difference in the health of our planet.” 

At 2006, United Nations on global warming report stated that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. Agriculture animal produce a non-CO2 greenhouse gas, which is methane. Methane is 21 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2. While atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have risen by about 31% since pre-industrial times, methane concentrations have more than doubled. About 85% of this methane is produced in the digestive processes of livestock, and while a single cow releases a relatively small amount of methane, the collective effect on the environment of the hundreds of millions of livestock animals worldwide is enormous.(
So by becoming vegetarian, it means we can reduce for animal farm and also at the same time, we reduce the animal violence.stop-global-warming-be-vegetarian
The food we eat would determine the quality and condition of all the levels. Our food has the same levels we do, and the different energies of the food are absorbed into our corresponding levels. Therefore when we eat something, it is not only affects us on all levels of our existence, it becomes those levels. (
“Ethically they had arrived at the conclusion that man’s supremacy over lower animals meant not that the former should prey upon the latter, but that the higher should protect the lower, and that there should be mutual aid between the two as between man and man. They had also brought out the truth that man eats not for enjoyment but to live.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Source of quotes and ideas:
Thats all i can share, thanks for visiting 🙂
Please enjoy the song:)
Posted in Self Reflection

Another Mission to Meet Neptune

Please enjoy reading of the sweet morning mood with this lovely song 🙂

Good day everyone, I am in a good mood today and I will report you about my mission accomplishment this morning.

Maybe some of you wanna ask, what was the mission so I need to meet Neptune. Hm. Honestly, I just want to make this morning as wild as my imagination, although it is just a spending time in holiday morning. *just got side effect after watched Alice in Wonderland*

Ok, my mission this morning was meet the king of the sea, Neptune *inspired again with the Perahu Kertas movie*. There are many things I want to discuss with Him. His kingdom is located in the deep of ocean. He knows I can’t swim so He said that He will meet me at the beach, at the most far point i can reach.

The most far? I will get tired if I just walk by my feet. I need something that can take me along, so I can enjoy and don’t feel so tired hahaha. God helps me and I find a flamingo. In order not to do violence to it, the beauty flamingo turn into bicycle.

2014-09-25 07.14.36

Then, we were ready to go. Yipyip!

I rode my flamingo following the road. The scenery along the way was great, although the only one thing I could see is beach. But, I love beach. The wind in the morning blew my hair, and you know how it is feel like. With the song that I heard by headphones, this trip mission was almost complete.

You should know what I saw beside the seashore. It was almost like in the wonderland. I saw a big blue diamond, a big greenish lobster, Balinese mermaid, four white trolls who cover their face and also a chess board with real chess. I regret that I didn’t took the picture all of them.

2014-09-25 07.14.26

Hosh, hosh, hosh.

In the middle of my way, I met the other warriors. Actually they are my senior at med school. Some of the best Cefazolin, they are dr. Ardy Paribrajaka, dr. Aditya Prayudi..and I forget the others. I regret again for not taking picture with them. 😦

Then, 1 hours had passed. I reached my point. Honestly, the road still so long. Because I had to return the flamingo-bicycle before it back to real flamingo, I stopped.

2014-09-25 07.17.38

As you see, the sun was so high when i had reached here. I didn’t get the sunrise, but it is okay for me. I sat and enjoyed the ‘warmth -starting to hot- sunlight’. Only 10 minutes, because i didn’t want to have a sun bath or tanning my skin. I was going to meet Neptune, but when i saw around, there are many plastic bags and trash here. Oh my sea. In the name of ‘go green action’, ‘save the world action’ and as the dearest daughter
of Neptune, I picked those yacky trash and put them in my bicycle’s basket.

2014-09-25 07.18.12

I don’t know, who was the culprit of the yacky trash. Why do some people feel hard to put the trash in the basket trash? Don’t they know that their behavior is not responsible? Oh, please. We love the beach and keep it clean is just a simple form of our gratitude.

Finally, I had my time to touch the wave. This is my way to meet Neptune.

2014-09-25 07.26.52

So, here my conversation with Neptune.

N : You got here, how are you my dear?

C : I’m doing fine Neptune, and how are you?

N : *big smile* me too, fine as always. So, what do you want to talk about?

C: *think* hm. How about reclamation? No, no, it’s too serious for a light morning. How about tell me the recipe how to make a delicious fried rice?

N : Are you kidding? Ask me such a question?

C :Honestly Neptune, I just wanna go there and meet you, meet the wave, meet the beach. Those are accomplished.

N : Ok then dear, don’t hesitate to come again if you need to talk to me. HA HA HA. *shrink and fade*

Just a light conversation isn’t it? Maybe, the TOEFL test can include it as the most simple conversation.

As a medical student and read what i had written , i will diagnosed my self for having a delusional thought. Hh. come on. It is only my imagination. Maybe i’m a bit mad -but not schizophrenic one-, and some of the best people are.

” I’m afraid so… you’re mad. Entirely bonkers. Off your head… but I’ll tell you a secret… all of the best people are.” –Charles Kingsleigh (Alice’s father talk to Alice)

See ya Neptune! 😀

PS : while i rode my flamingo, i was listening this song. Love it. I feel like falling in love.

“I don’t need the sunlight, shining on my face. I don’t perfection to have a perfect day. I just wanna see you happy, smile on your face. Nothing else matter, cause you are everything to me”